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24 Feb 2014
40-Year-Old Fetus Discovered Inside 82-Year-Old Woman

40-Year-Old Fetus Discovered Inside 82-Year-Old Woman

A 40-year-old fetus was discovered inside the abdomen of an 82-year-old woman. The elderly Colombian woman complained of pain and discomfort in her abdomen, but she never expected she was carrying a fetus. Doctors estimate the fetus remained inside her abdomen for nearly 40 years.
Doctors at Tunjuelito Hospital originally diagnosed the woman with gastroenteritis, which can cause diarrhea and cramping. However, an ultrasound ruled out an infection. They eventually ordered an X-ray of her abdomen. When they viewed the results, they were stunned — the elderly woman was carrying a calcified fetus.
Although calcified fetus’ are rare, they can happen. The fetus is called a lithopedion, also referred to as a stone baby. A lithopedion begins when a fertilized egg implants and begins to develop outside the uterus. When the egg implants inside the fallopian tube, it is called an ectopic pregnancy.
Rarely, a fertilized egg will travel into the abdominal cavity, where it can become implanted anywhere from the bowel to the aorta. Although the fetus cannot survive inside the abdomen, doctors usually terminate the pregnancy to prevent future problems.
As reported by NBC News, in most cases the tissue will simply break down inside a woman’s body. However, in the case of the 40-year-old fetus, it continued to grow to an advanced stage. If the fetus continues to develop, it can become too large to absorb. As a natural reaction, the fetus and the surround tissue eventually calcify. The process prevents the decomposing tissue from spreading infection inside a woman.
lithopedion rarely cause further issues, as they often go unnoticed. For some woman, the fetus is large enough to cause pain and swelling.
lithopedion rarely cause further issues, as they often go unnoticed. For some woman, the fetus is large enough to cause pain and swelling.
The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine cites 280 recorded cases of lithopedion since 1582. While most “stone pregnancies” last around 22 years, at least one woman carried a calcified fetus for more than 60 years. reports that the Colombian woman was transferred to another hospital to have her 40-year-old fetus removed.
21 Jan 2014
Barack Obama: 'Marijuana no more dangerous than alcohol'

Barack Obama: 'Marijuana no more dangerous than alcohol'

US President Barack Obama has said smoking marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol, but still called it a "bad idea".
Speaking to The New Yorker magazine, he said it was wrong to think legalising the drug would be "a panacea" that could solve many social problems.
Mr Obama was referring to recent legalisation of marijuana in the states of Colorado and Washington.
He has previously admitted using the drug when he was young.
"As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life," Mr Obama said.
But he added that in terms of its impact on the individual consumer "I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol".
He also said that poor people - many of them African Americans and Latinos - were disproportionately punished for marijuana use, whereas middle-class users mostly escaped harsh penalties.
"It's important for society not to have a situation in which a large portion of people have at one time or another broken the law and only a select few get punished."
Mr Obama described the legalisation of marijuana in Colorado and Washington as a challenging "experiment".
Colorado's law went into effect on 1 January, while Washington is expected to allow the drug's sale later this year.
19 Jan 2014


Selecting Samuel Eto'o ahead of Fernando Torres: "Fernando is very dangerous with space, more powerful than Samuel, and I thought Manchester Untied were not coming to give me space, they came here to be compact. I thought Samuel was someone with more technical abilities and more movement in small spaces. It was a difficult decision but my feeling was for this game Samuel was more adapted."

"I think it is a big win and deserved, yes. The way I was analysing the game it was hard for them to be losing 2-0 at half time. They started better than us, they had a good initiative.
"The second half was different. For 25-30 minutes we had very good control until we dropped back and they reacted with pride.

"I think this game was a bit of a contradiction to other games. Normally we produce and produce and then it is hard for us to score, this time with the first shot we scored. The second goal was the killer in the box I know from many years ago and it looks like Samuel Eto'o is coming back."
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